Friday, January 7, 2011

Dante Alighieri (1)

Remember tonight... for it
is the beginning of always.
- Dante Alighieri

Consider your origins: you were
not made to live as brutes, but
to follow virtue and knowledge.
- Dante Alighieri

Be as a tower firmly set; Shakes not
its top for any blast that blows.
- Dante Alighieri

For where the instrument of intelligence
is added to brute power and evil will,
mankind is powerless in its own defense.
- Dante Alighieri

The customs and fashions of men
change like leaves on the bough,
some of which go and others come.
- Dante Alighieri

Benjamin Franklin (3)

"He that lives upon hope will die fasting."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Glass, china and reputation are easily
cracked, and never well mended."
- Benjamin Franklin

"But in this world nothing can be said to
be certain, except death and taxes."
- Benjamin Franklin

"Three may keep a secret,
if two of them are dead."
- Benjamin Franklin

Some are weather-wise, some are otherwise.
- Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin (2)

Write injuries in dust,
benefits in marble.
- Benjamin Franklin

"At 20 years of age the will reigns,
at 30 the wit, at 40 the judgment."
- Benjamin Franklin

Lost time is never found again.
- Benjamin Franklin

"An investment in knowledge always
pays the best interest."
- Benjamin Franklin

Remember that time is money.
- Benjamin Franklin

Aristotle (2)

The whole is more than
the sum of its parts.
- Aristotle

Pleasure in the job puts
perfection in the work.
- Aristotle

"The roots of education are
bitter, but the fruit is sweet."
- Aristotle

"Man is by nature
a political animal."
- Aristotle

To love someone is to
identify with them.
- Aristotle

Aristotle (1)

"Love is composed of a single
soul inhabiting two bodies."
- Aristotle

"Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity
of humor; for a subject which will not bear
raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will
not bear serious examination is false wit."
- Aristotle

We are what we repeatedly
do. Excellence, then, is
not an act, but a habit.
- Aristotle

We should behave to our friends as we
would wish our friends to behave to us.
- Aristotle

Wit is educated insolence.
- Aristotle